POGIL stands for Practice-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, and it is essentially guided task-based learning. Students learn by doing, rather than only reading theory. POGIL activities are provided for all chapters.
The Python for Scientists textbook provides all of its POGIL documents in Interactive Python Notebook, or Jupyter Notebook, form. This form allows a student or group of students to download the notebook and make their changes to the notebook without having to create a new Python project.
To make a clone of the POGIL document, download the IPYNB file by right-clicking on the notebook's link, then Save link as.... Make sure you save the document as a ipynb
file (you might have to manually set the file extension). Then, you can import the notebook as-is into the Jupyter Notebook editor of your choice, including the Jupyter Notebook editor or Google Colaboratory.
After downloading the IPYNB, go to colab.research.google.com. Then, click on the Upload tab.
Click on the Choose File button, then choose the IPYNB that you downloaded and want to open in Colab.
Launch Jupyter Notebook, then navigate to the location that you would like to store your Jupyter Notebook in (like the Documents directory).
Click on the Upload button, then choose the IPYNB that you downloaded and want to open in Jupyter Notebook.
To edit and run Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code, make sure you install the Python extension for Visual Studio Code. Open the notebook in Visual Studio Code; if the extension is not installed, you should be prompted to install Python tools by Visual Studio Code. This will take you to the installation page for the extension; just click on Install to install the extension to Visual Studio Code. You may also need to install the Jupyter extension in a similar way. Once you install the Python and Jupyter extensions, you should never need to do this again.
Python VS Code Extension Jupyter VS Code ExtensionTo edit and run the Jupyter Notebook, open the notebook in Visual Studio Code with the Python and Jupyter extensions.